Effluent Management is an expensive exercise for the
• Working within strict regional guidelines which can
result in hefty fines.
• Smell
• Storage/ongoing maintenance
• Removing the need for periodic manual cleaning of
• Clogging of pumps, filters and irrigation systems
• Quality of product going onto paddock
What we have achieved:
• A way to remove the problems of smell, crusting and
sludge formation in both effluent tanks and inground ponds.
• A way to achieve compliance with local
authority water standards and requirements.
• Removal of problems with solids clogging filters,
pipes and pumping equipment, so that what is
discharged into the paddocks is liquid.
• The conversion of solids in an effluent system into
dissolved nutrient-rich water.
• Eliminate operational costs such as emptying or
cleaning ponds or tanks. No solids to separate or
• Paddocks able to stay in rotation for grazing.
• Better grass with higher nutrient content.
Effluex - Key Information

The Application
- Effluex arrives in ready to apply packaging.
- Simply throw into tank or pond once a month as per instructions
- No mixing required
- Dose determined by peak milking cow numbers e.g 450 cows at peak, 450 cows is the constant monthly dose rate.

The Process
- Anaerobic bacteria break down the solid waste in effluent ponds into various compounds including ammonia, methane, hydrogen sulphides and about 200 other compounds.
- Aerobic bacteria then break these compounds down into usable nutrients and minerals dissolved in the now treated water of the effluent pond, ready for plants to uptake once the farm’s paddocks are irrigated with it.
- Start your Effluex Monthly Dose Subscription today!

- Effluex the product has been cleared under the Bio Security Act 1993 and has been issued with a Permit to Import a Biological Product by the Ministry of Primary Industries.
- The product contains a variety of bacteria all of which are endemic to New Zealand. The bacteria are aerobic, anaerobic, and facultative.
- The product contains no pathogens.
- 100% Environmentally friendly.